All My Quazy Art Friends>>>

Bill Haley - Basketry * Gay Haley - Sculpture * Melvin Rhodes - Photography * Helen Rhodes - Scrapbooking * Spence Gourley - sketch arts

Saturday, November 12, 2011

     Crinkled Rose ~ that’s me.
 I ‘m getting old and I know it.
Officially getting crinkled and happy to be alive!
The Quazy Peeple
are my friends who are artists.  Some of them could use an outlet to share their inner art.  I’ve been a “quazy peeple” for a very long time.  I would be a famous artist if I didn’t have to eat-LOL.   Not that I love eating, ‘cause I don’t.  I just don’t like quitting long enough to eat.  And if I do, I forget my best ideas.  Can you relate?  My name isn’t Rose either.  I’m just from the “vintage era”, and have a multifaceted love of the creative things in life. I compare myself to the rose and the peony with all their many petals that fade and fall away.  But they’re beautiful.  All flowers are beautiful.  And I love flowers.

 I have one foot in my mother’s love of the Victorian everything… and one foot in the sleek modern techy graphics.  I once painted pictures with a brush made of sticks and paint made of mud.  I awakened in the dark, sat on my bed and played the piano on my sheets, as I heard the music in my head. We didn’t own a piano, and the only time I saw a songbook was at church. I sang at the top of my lungs, as I rushed at the highest speed I could attain, no hands on the handlebars, enjoying the song of the wind through the spokes on my bike, down the hill above our modest little cottage house. (I once had a friend who thought I was kind’a funny.)  I talk to myself to figure things out.  And all this stuff in my head makes me crazy in love with making things.  If I could have my dreams come true, I would have all the collectiveness of a hoarder, but I would turn everything into art just as fast as I got it, and everyone would love to see it or buy it. And there would be some time to show other Quazy Peeple how to make stuff too. I really love sharing art.  I would be a full time craft show if there were three of me. No make that 10 of me.  I could be a craft show network on TV! If I had a warehouse that was huge, HUGE, HUGE… yeah that big, I would get every non-profane artist I could find and give them a place to make their work and show it. Like for free if I had the money to do it. Just so people could walk through and look at it. If I had a mansion of a house with boo-coodles of rooms, I would decorate every one with stuff from a different era. Ideas sometimes run through my head like a creek rushing over rocks down the lush mountainside.  If I could capture them all, the dam in my head would break from the flood.  Blogging is a chance to put it out of my head, and hopefully help my fellow crazies do a little of that too.
But most of all, I want to share what they DO with You.  Maybe you aren’t a Quazy Peeple, and you need people to make stuff for you. I know some people who can >>>>>> They are really great people who make really great stuff.  I so hope you love them as much as I do.  And if you do – contact them and buy their stuff!!

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